'Hungarian Festival Ballet', Festival Theatre, 11 March

  • 10 Mar 2010 12:00 AM
'Hungarian Festival Ballet', Festival Theatre, 11 March
"This evening, we see three aspects of Iván Markó: Message of Angels from 2006 is about love and the experience of community, place upon on the “wings” of Bach’s music; Faun was premiered in November 2009 and is a reinterpretation of the creation by Mallarmé, Debussy and Nijinsky, while Sheherezade, dating from autumn 2007 and based on Rimsky-Korsakov’s suite, illuminates human relationships from a female perspective, within the famous tales of a thousand and one nights.

(For those above 12)

Message of Angels
Music: J. S. Bach
Costumes: Márta Pilinyi

Afternoon of a Faun
Music: Claude Debussy
Sets, Costumes: Krisztina Berzsenyi

Music: Nikolai Rimski-Korszakov
Sets: László Székely
Costumes: Márta Pilinyi
Choreographies: Iván Markó, artistic director of the Hungarian Festival Ballet

Ticketprices: 1700.- 3200.- 4100.- HUF

Travel Checques, Sodexho Culture Vouchers and Palace Gift Vouchers are also accepted at the Palace of Arts Ticket Office when purchasing tickets for this concert."

Source: Palace of Arts

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