Spider Climbing Club Opens In Budapest

  • 8 Mar 2010 2:00 AM
Spider Climbing Club Opens In Budapest
This unique sports hall has around 100 climbing routes of different difficulty levels. So both beginners and professional climbers can find their own training level, the longest climbing route is 13.5m. Besides the traditional routes a Speed Wall is also available for 'spidermen'.

“When making the routes we made sure that they are distinguished by holds of different colours,” says the founder, “Tódi” Csaba Komondi, who finished fourth-place at the Aero Rock Master competition. “We have chosen the most professional holds: TOP30, MR and Entre Prises. Most of the routes are for top-rope climbing but lead climbing can also be practised here.”

“When developing the hall we thought about being able to help the beginners at anytime,” says Gábor Tasi, the leader of Spider Club. “But all beginners must be familiar with their own equipment, the safe techniques, scrambling and the first steps on the wall.”

Basic training is provided for free in order to ensure safe climbing. Courses are organised for achieving higher level of knowledge. Systematic trainings are offered for children and adults as well. Equipment can be rented at the Club.

The hall consists of 2 parts, in the second phase the construction of an additional wall of 400 sqm is planned.

Address: 1036.Budapest, Fényes Adolf u. 19-21./31.

Source: sportforum.hu

Translated by:
Zilahy Kommunikációs Kft.
Translation and Interpreting Agency
Telephone: +36 20 234 0863 or +36 30 236 8305

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