Hungarian Students Turn To EU Over Contracts

  • 14 Feb 2012 8:01 AM
Hungarian Students Turn To EU Over Contracts
"Some 100-150 post-secondary students staged a candlelit protest on Deak ter Wednesday evening against changes to laws governing higher education. Compelling students to stay in Hungary after their graduation is no solution to the problem of emigration, said David Nagy, president of the national student councils group HOOK.

Students also demand that the government increase the number of state-funded places based on professional considerations, particularly in what they say are the unfairly curtailed areas of law and economics.

HOOK has appealed to the European Commission through the European Federation of Student Councils over the higher education law and the student contracts, Nagy announced.

National Resources Ministry higher education undersecretary Norbert Kis attended the demonstration.

He told Inforadio on Wednesday that he will tour the country over the next two weeks to consult high school students and their parents on changes in higher education studies."

Source: Hungary Around the Clock

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