Invitation: Shakespeare Festival, Gyula, Hungary, Until 17 July

  • 12 Jul 2012 12:50 PM
Invitation: Shakespeare Festival, Gyula, Hungary, Until 17 July
This, the 7th Shakespeare Festival in Gyula, welcomes two critically acclaimed productions: A Midsummer Night’s Dream of the South Korean Yohangza Theatre Company and Twelfth Night, or What You Will of the Georgian Rustavelli National Theatre directed by R. Sturua. On the Shakespeare Festival, you can see the play Troilus and Cressida as first night in the direction of Csaba Horváth.

 During the Shakespeare Festival you can also see The Merchant of Venice directed by László Bocsárdi performed by the Theatre of Sepsiszentgyörgy (Sfântu Gheorghe), you can meet Hungarian writer and director Géza Bereményi, and you can see the best Hungarian Shakespeare productions.

The world-famed Lithuania director Oskaras Korsunovas and his company will be present with a new production, Shakespeare’s The Tempest. New to this year festivities, a wine festival is linked with the programmes under the name of Midsummer wine’s dream."

Venue: Castle Theatre Gyula

Address: 5700, Gyula, Kossuth u. 13.

Tel.: +36/66/463-148, +36/30/6399062

Detailed program

Source: Shakespeare Festival

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