Budapest Ticket Inspectors To Wear New - Mistranslated - Armbands

  • 19 Nov 2012 8:00 AM
Budapest Ticket Inspectors To Wear New - Mistranslated - Armbands
Budapest Transportation Center (Centre?) is back after painting dark blue buses light blue for millions… with its latest faux pas that has everyone laughing at Goulashistan.

Discovered by Leiterjakab blog, BKK proudly showed off a new design of its ticket inspector armbands in this Facebook post, which declare “revenue inspection” to all foreigners who dare to enter Hungary.

As Leiterjakab suggests, the translation job is too small to have been a public procurement. However this is Hungary where nothing happens without a noble nod from one of our corporate overlords, who probably was too shy to admit not speaking a word of English to one of lesser stature.

So who is in command at the transportation center and why? As is the case with countries where freedoms are comparable to Hungary (such as Togo and Benin), this best left up to the reader’s imagination.

By Tamas S. Kiss, published on with the permission of

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