Heat And Still Air, Summer Has Officially Arrived To Hungary

  • 19 Jun 2013 10:00 AM
Heat And Still Air, Summer Has Officially Arrived To Hungary
After the long “winter”, torrential rains and floodings, Hungary is now facing a massive heat-wave. According to forecasts the heat-wave will last until the weekend, when thunderstorms could bring some relief. Temperatures rose above 30 degrees already on Monday, and by Wednesday the weather is expected to be a couple of degrees hotter reaching a maximum of 37°C.

When the temperature is too hot, humid, and the air is still, the body will be easily dehydrated and exhausted. Drinking plenty of water, wearing loosefitting and lightweight clothing are highly recommended.

Words by Tímea Klincsek for XpatLoop.com

Source: origo.hu

Source  of photo: (in Hungarian): met.hu

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