Xpat Learning: Hungarian For Expats Lesson 2

  • 1 Jul 2014 9:00 AM
Xpat Learning: Hungarian For Expats Lesson 2
Do you want to be able to speak, read and write Hungarian confidently? Well, it may take several years to learn the language properly, but we can give you a bit of support and advice month by month. Learn everyday, useful Hungarian through this website and enjoy Hungarian, which is neither more, nor less difficult to learn than any other foreign language!

For a selection of Hungarian course books, bilingual books and Hungarian literature translated, visit www.librabooks.hu

Numbers (Számok)

1 egy
2 kettő
3 három
4 négy
5 öt
6 hat
7 hét
8 nyolc
9 kilenc
10 tíz

Note that 2 has two forms, ’kettő’ and ’két’. ’Kettő’ can be used everywhere but the use of ’két’ is restricted: it can only be used as an attribute: ’Itt van két könyv.’ (There are two books here.)

Numbers above 10 are formed simply by putting thousands, hundreds and tens after one another. Please remember that 10 and 20 have two different forms when they stand on their own (10=tíz, 20=húsz) and when they are followed by other numbers (12=tizenkettő, 22=huszonkettő).

100 száz
200 kétszáz
300 háromszáz
400 négyszáz
500 ötszáz
600 hatszáz
700 hétszáz
800 nyolcszáz
900 kilencszáz
1000 ezer

1000 ezer
2000 kétezer
3000 háromezer
4000 négyezer
5000 ötezer
6000 hatezer
7000 hétezer
8000 nyolcezer
9000 kilencezer
10000 tízezer

Now, try to say these numbers related to Hungary:

1. Budapest has 4 metro lines. (Budapestnek NÉGY metróvonala van.)
2. There are 8 bridges over the Danube in Budapest. (NYOLC híd van a Duna fölött Budapesten.)
3. The country code for Hungary is 36. (Magyarország hívószáma HARMINCHAT.)
4. Budapest has 23 districts. (Budapestnek HUSZONHÁROM kerülete van.)
5. Hungary has 19 counties. (Magyarországnak 19 megyéje van.)
6. The V.A.T. rate is 27% in Hungary. (Magyarországon HUSZONHÉT százalék az Áfa.)
7. The emergency number 112 is for urgent assistance. (A SZÁZTIZENKETTES segélyszám sürgős esetekre van.)
8. The population of Budapest is almost 2 million. (Budapest lakossága majdnem KÉTMILLIÓ.)
9. Hungary was founded in 896. (Magyarországot NYOLCSZÁZKILENCVENHATBAN alapították.)
10. On October 23rd we commemorate the Revolution of 1956. (Október HUSZONHARMADIKÁN ünnepeljük az EZERKILENSZÁZÖTVENHATOS forradalmat.)

Libra Bookshop - Foreign Language Books
Address: 1085 Budapest, Kölcsey utca 2.
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 8-19, Sat 9-14

Libra Books Ltd., established in 1991, is a special foreign language bookshop situated in the centre of Budapest with a wide range of books for language learning as well as popular and literary fiction

Related article:
Xpat Learning: Hungarian For Expats Lesson 1

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