Orbán: Growth Thanks To Hungarians’ Will To Work

  • 18 Aug 2014 9:00 AM
Orbán: Growth Thanks To Hungarians’ Will To Work
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has said the exceptional secondquarter economic growth data are down to the fact that Hungarians want to work. Speaking in an interview to public Kossuth Rádió, he commented on the 3.9% annual GDP increase, saying as long as people want to work such results would be forthcoming.

Since Hungary also belongs to a crisis zone, it is the job of the state to ensure work opportunities that the market cannot provide, and if needed several hundreds of thousands of jobs must be created, he said. In 2010, 1.8 million employees paid tax in Hungary and now this figure has risen to 4.1 million.

He added that this must be improved on, since many people were still excluded from the “labour-based society”. The goal is to have five million people working in Hungary, he added. “We promised to create one million new jobs over ten years but now I see that we can exceed this; we can and must target a Hungarian economic model based on five million working people,” he said.

Orbán said it was important for the Hungarian model that thinking should not run along the lines of a liberal democracy, but rather the state should create opportunities for work alongside private-sector job-creation.

The prime minister said he partially agreed with the western way of looking at things in that help should be given in the private sector for job-creation. But if there is a crisis, supplementary opportunities must be ensured. Orbán said he counted on “good cooperation” with the European Commission being set up.

He said there were those who wanted to “make Hungary into a black sheep” because “we openly admit that we do not want to build a liberal democracy based exclusively on individual interests, but a democracy which puts primacy on the public good.”

Source www.hungarymatters.hu

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