Hungarian Govt To Support Vegetable Gardening In Cities

  • 25 Sep 2014 9:00 AM
Hungarian Govt To Support Vegetable Gardening In Cities
The government is supporting an urban gardening programme for young city-dwellers who plan to produce home-grown vegetables, Lajos Mikula, the head of the association of young gardeners Agrya, said. People aged 18-40 with at least seven square metres of growing space - whether on the window sill or in a small allotment - can apply for funding and participation in a training programme, Mikula told a press conference on Wednesday.

The programme is part of efforts by the ministry of agriculture to return stimulus to short food supply chains and home farming, popular 30-40 years ago, Sándor Fazekas, the farm minister, told the event.

He said the desire for healthy food produce has brought back the appeal of home vegetable growing.


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