Varga: Hungary Deserves Ratings Upgrade

  • 29 Feb 2016 3:00 AM
Varga: Hungary Deserves Ratings Upgrade
Based on the figures and facts, Hungary would have deserved a ratings upgrade for a long time, Economy Minister Mihály Varga said, commenting on Moody’s forthcoming assessment of Hungary’s credit rating this week.

The fact that Hungarian government securities have been significantly oversubscribed shows that market participants also know this, he said.

If the credit rating firms give an objective assessment of last quarter’s figures, including economic growth, investment, employment and investment, then an upgrade is due, he said.

Public debt has been continually dropping for five years, Hungary has a predictable economic policy and the rating agencies can assess economic performance from the perspective of the last five years, he added.

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MTI photo: Vajda János

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