Trump Remark By Hungary’s PM No Tongue-Slip

  • 28 Jul 2016 1:35 AM
Trump Remark By Hungary’s PM No Tongue-Slip
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s comment at Baile Tusnad open university last weekend that it would be preferable for Europe and Hungary if Donald Trump were to be elected as the new US president was not a slip of the tongue, Fidesz sources told Népszabadság on Tuesday.

“The trip between Budapest and Baile Tusnad was long and Orbán had a chance to read the speech written for him a hundred times; he plays for all or nothing,” sources said.

Népszabadság writes that the relationship with the Clintons could not be worse than it is now. Hillary Clinton is described in Fidesz circles as an “evil, sanctimonious and corrupt person”, according to the daily, and the Clinton foundation is accused of accepting donations from dictators and “should not lecture Hungary on democracy.”

At a press conference held yesterday together with Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern the prime minister was questioned about his support for Trump. Orbán said that the American election is the business of Americans and that he does not intend to interfere.

He repeated his view that from a foreign policy perspective the identity of the new president would not be the same for Hungary, adding that “the foreign policy pursued by the Democrats is bad for Europe and deadly for Hungary.”

Source: Hungary Around the Clock

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MTI photo: Szecsődi Balázs

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