Fidesz Captures 40% Of Electorate

  • 2 Nov 2017 7:52 AM
Fidesz Captures 40% Of Electorate
Hungary’s ruling Fidesz party has captured the support of 40% of the electorate in the latest survey by Medián. In the poll published by news portal, Fidesz’s support among all voters rose by 4 percentage points in a single month and its support was the highest since January 2011.

Radical nationalist party Jobbik had the backing of 11% of Medián’s sample, while the Socialists were preferred by 7%. Green party LMP notched up 4%, while the Democratic Coalition had 5%.

Taking decided voters firmly committed to casting their ballots, Fidesz had the backing of 61%, according to Medián’s survey carried out between October 20 and 24 with a representative sample of voting-age adults.

In the past six months, not only has Fidesz’s popularity increased but voters have a gradually improving opinion of the government’s performance, too, Medián said. In October, 48% of respondents gave the government of Prime Minister Viktor Orban a “good” rating, and 44% said things were going well in the country.

At the same time, voters are divided concerning their preference for after the elections, with 45% indicating the desire to see a change of government, while 44% wanted the current government to stay in power, Medián said.

Among decided voters, Jobbik had the backing of 14% of Medián’s sample, the Socialists 9%, LMP 5% and the Democratic Coalition 7%. Altogether 30% were uncommitted to any single party.

Republished with permission of Hungary Matters, MTI’s daily newsletter.

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