Freedom Of Expression Among Basic Rights In Hungary Unlike Violation Of Law

  • 22 Dec 2018 11:20 AM
Freedom Of Expression Among Basic Rights  In Hungary Unlike Violation Of Law
The freedom of expression is a fundamental right but the violation of law is not, cabinet office state secretary Csaba Dömötör said in an interview published in daily Magyar Hírlap.

Commenting on recent opposition actions, he said opposition politicians had crossed several lines.

At first they wanted to prevent decision making in parliament, then “they attacked police” and later “attempted to seriously interfere in the work of an editorial office”, Dömötör said.

Commenting on protests in major European cities, he said the first act of the European parliamentary election campaign was under way and the radicalisation of left-wing forces attacking nation states was easy to see.

“They are launching increasingly severe attacks against those looking out for national sovereignty, traditional communities and Christian values,” he added.

Migration is not an opportunity but a serious risk and in addition to security, migration will be in the focus of next year’s EP elections, he said.

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