13% Of Coronavirus Cases Health-Care Staff In Hungary

  • 28 Apr 2020 8:15 AM
  • Hungary Matters
13% Of Coronavirus Cases Health-Care Staff In Hungary
Thirteen percent of all coronavirus cases are health-care staff, a ratio consistent with international trends, Hungary's chief medical officer said.

Many health-care workers have already recovered and not all of them have had symptoms, Cecília Müller told an online news conference after a meeting of the operative board coordinating the response to the epidemic.

Müller said that the number of patients being treated in hospital for the novel coronavirus is gradually rising. Altogether 261 of the 280 patients who have died from the virus so far were over the age of 60. Elderly care homes are most at risk of the infection, she warned, underlining the importance of the proper use of protective gear, she said.

In another development, she said a Covid-19 patient suffering from kidney failure became the first Hungarian to be put through blood plasma therapy. Müller said the patient’s condition was “hopeful” after a three-day therapy, adding, at the same time, that more time was needed to see how effective the therapy had been.

Doctors plan to treat several more patients with blood plasma therapy, she said, and called on recovered patients to donate blood plasma.

MTI Photo: Péter Komka

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