FIVOSZ Recognized As October’s Active Citizen By U.S. Embassy Budapest

  • 7 Nov 2012 12:00 AM
FIVOSZ Recognized As October’s Active Citizen By U.S. Embassy Budapest
On October 30, 2012, Deputy Chief of Mission Timothy A. Betts presented the Embassy’s Active Citizenship Award to Patrik Kovács, the founder of FIVOSZ (Young Entrepreneurs Association). FIVOSZ was recognized for creating and maintaining a support network for young entrepreneurs. Since its inception in 2008, FIVOSZ has provided support in all business-related fields, such as marketing, training, legal matters, and accounting.

The Embassy began its Active Citizenship Award program in January 2012 to recognize individuals and organizations for their contributions to the betterment of their communities.

Source: U.S. Embassy Budapest

Photo: Deputy Chief of Mission Timothy Betts presents the award to Patrik Kovács of FIVOSZ. (Embassy photo by László Vizsy)

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