Hungarian Govt Wants Stronger Agrarian Middle Class

  • 6 Jan 2014 8:00 AM
Hungarian Govt Wants Stronger Agrarian Middle Class
The government is working towards developing a stronger agrarian middle class and aims to provide land to as many young farmers and family businesses as possible, the farm ministry told MTI on Sunday.

The ministry reacted to a statement on Saturday by Szilvia Lengyel, an MP of opposition LMP, that her party would offer legal services to farmers that suspect scams in the assessment of their applications for land leases.

She cited a report by former Fidesz lawmaker and former state secretary József Ángyán, who currently sits as an independent, showing that land had been unfairly distributed to various interest groups, pushing out family-owned businesses in many places.

The ministry told MTI in a statement that LMP should rely not only on Ángyán’s report but also on the facts. Before 2010, during the time of left-wing governments, just 600 contracts were signed for the lease of some 600,000 hectares of state-owned land. Now, the number of contracts stands at about 6,000.


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