DK Official Calls For Resistance Against WWII Monument In Budapest

  • 22 Apr 2014 9:00 AM
DK Official Calls For Resistance Against WWII Monument In Budapest
The leftist opposition has called for resistance against the monument to the victims of the 1944 German occupation being built on Szabadság Square. Tamás Bauer, deputy leader of the Democratic Coalition (DK), told a group of demonstrators at the square on Friday that it was “essential to demonstrate resistance” against “this terrible regime”, which is “oppressive and economically incompetent.”

Ildikó Lendvai, an opposition Socialist lawmaker, told demonstrators that the foundations of the monument had already been laid despite protests. With this action the government is trying to show that its power is cemented and it is “free to do anything,” she said.

Gábor Popper, a spokesman for the Liberal Party, insisted the monument symbolised fear, and people would again have to fear due to their ethnic origins or sexual orientation. Protests against the monument have been held at the square in central Budapest for the past ten days, and demonstrators have repeatedly dismantled the barrier built round the construction site.


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Source of photo: ORIGO

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