'Seriously About Paks' Event, Budapest, 16 September

  • 16 Sep 2014 9:03 AM
'Seriously About Paks' Event, Budapest, 16 September
The planned new nuclear power plant in Paks raises a number of economic, security, geopolitical and social issues, which have barely been mentioned in the Hungarian public media. Energiaklub launches a series of events titled ’Seriously about Paks’. Each event will focus on a specific issue. Foreign and local experts and researchers exchange their views, along special ad hoc studies.

The first event of the series will focus on: The fiscal and economic policy implications of the new nuclear power plant

Will austerity measures be necessary in order to recover the required new power plant?
Who will lose money on Paks? Hungarian people and/or companies will?
How much will be the real cost of Paks2?
How it will increase the national debt?
How does the legal system of the European Union handle public investments that have significant costs?
Dr. Balázs Romhányi – Fiscal Responsibility Institute Budapest
Dr. Mária Zita Petschnig – Financial Research Plc.
Dr. László Jankovics – European Commission, Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs

István Madár – Portfolio, senior analyst - macro economy

Venue: Mercure Budapest Korona Hotel
Address: 14. Kecskeméti street, Budapest, 1053

Date: 16/09/2014

Arrival and registration: 13.30

Start: 14:00

Registration: until 12 September by clicking here

Participation is free.

Further issues of the series of events with expected dates:
2. Environmental impacts (8th October)
3. Security and geopolitics (16th October)
4. Corruption (28th October)
5. Final conference (date under discussion)

More information in English: pakskontroll.hu

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