'Here And Now', Fine Arts Salon, Műcsarnok

  • 17 Jun 2015 9:00 AM
'Here And Now', Fine Arts Salon, Műcsarnok
Consisting of paintings, sculptures, graphic artworks and installations by some two hundred artists, this large-scale exhibition focuses on the changes in art over the past ten years. Such changes include a multitude of complementary artistic achievements which, beyond processing the effects of crisis present in the world and society, have also come up with some positive messages.

These works – whether landscapes or portraits, mythical, eco-conscious, reflective but not historicising, whether they reinterpret time and offer much to think about – present the viewer with some highly novel approaches, making for the emergence of a new world view.

These works are also characterised by their repossession of information, knowledge and artistic tradition, the liberation of experience, and the free association of materials, media, technologies, artificial and virtual elements of reality, symbols and iconographical types. The dynamics of the various forms of art has changed: sculpture and drawing – which lends itself so well to spontaneous expression and rapid communication – are enjoying a comeback.

The exhibition presents a wide selection of paintings, sculptures, graphic artworks and drawings of the past decade. The new media, photographic art and design art will be presented in national salons over the next few years.

Tár.Hely, the database of contemporary art, will make its début simultaneously with the Salon. Tár.Hely (Storage.space) was open to artists over 21 who were free to upload their portfolios until 12 February 2015. Currently, Tár.Hely is not only the digital “appendix” of the Salon, but also a source of works for the curator to pick works to be exhibited. Tár.Hely is an opportunity that makes the Salon a truly open venue for everyone to present their works of art.

The 2015 National Salon Art is curated by art historian Júlia N. Mészáros of the Flóris Rómer Art and History Museum, who has been curator of numerous international exhibitions and biennials.

On display until 19 July

Visit Műcsarnok online: http://www.mucsarnok.hu/new_site/index.php?lang=en

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