Cake Factory Helps Lonely, Elderly People This Winter

  • 9 Jan 2017 7:00 AM
Cake Factory Helps Lonely, Elderly People This Winter
This initiative has been performed for four year with the aim to collect money through selling cookies and use the raised amount to purchase goods for the elder people, for example timber. This winter volunteers from the Cake Factory sold cookies at bus stations, car depots, and chocolate bars.

The Rama-Cake Factory brings timber and axe to their events every year, in order to give people an opportunity to try out how hard it is to chop wood. Peter Eskovacs, head of public relations at the event said, people are more willing to participate in charities after experiencing how tough it is just to make warm in homes.

Elder people deserve more attention – according to statistics, approximately 300 of them die annually in their own homes The hosts of the event asked the participants to check on their elder neighbours time to time, to see if they are all right.

For further info contact Peter

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