Video: Hungarian Recipe Of The Week – Layered Potato

  • 2 Jun 2020 8:11 AM
Video: Hungarian Recipe Of The Week – Layered Potato
If you think that Hungarian cuisine is just about Goulash, then you may miss many lovely (yet still hearty) dishes the Magyar culture can offer. So how about surprising your beloved ones (or yourself) with some layered potatoes? Here's how easy, and tasty, it is:


  • 1 kg salad potatoes

  • 10 dkg „csabai” sausage

  • 6-8 eggs

  • 5 dl sour cream

  • 3 egg yolks

  • salt


1. Wash the potatoes and eggs. Put both of them in cold water.

2. Cook the potatoes until they become soft – to make sure they are perfectly done, poke it with a fork. If they slide off we are good to drain them. It will take approx. 6-8 minutes to get hard-boiled eggs, once the water starts boiling. Drain both when done.

3. Eggs should be soaked in cold water for a few minutes to make it easier to peel. We also let the potatoes cool a bit, then we peel them too.

4. While they cool, mix three egg yolks up in the sour cream, and salt it properly.

5. Slice the peeled potatoes up, do the same with the sausages. Cut the eggs in half and chop the egg whites into medium-sized pieces. Put the yolks aside.

6. Once all of the ingredients are prepared, we can start putting our meal together in a baking dish or a yen.

7. At first, we set a layer of potatoes in the bottom, then we dose the egg whites evenly on top of it. We crumble the yolks on top of the whites, lay the sausages on top of them and finally, we add a layer of sour cream. Repeat it as long as there is raw material.

8. Bake the prepared food in the medium-hot oven (180°C) until the top is nicely colored.

WOW Hungary

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