New Weather Study Shows Summers Are 50 Days Longer Than In Seventies

  • 14 Apr 2021 7:59 AM
  • Hungary Matters
New Weather Study Shows Summers Are 50 Days Longer Than In Seventies
Temperature data of the last five decades show autumn in Hungary is much shorter now than in the 1970s, while spring is somewhat shorter, according to a new meteorological study. Summer, meanwhile, is fifty days longer.

Ecological damage includes more frequent frost damage, fewer migratory birds and the emergence of new invasive species, including mosquito species spreading new pathogens, according to the study released on

Between 1971 and 1980, summer was between June 21 and August 20.

In 2011-2019, it lasted from 29 May to 17 September, based on the daily temperature exceeding 17.71 C, Anna Kis, a meteorologist at Eötvös Loránd University’s meteorological faculty, said in the study.

Winter, meanwhile, generally shifted to early December from late November and ended seven days earlier.

Autumn shortened to the greatest extent: in the decades before 1990, its average length was around 100 days, but in the three decades following it was less than 85 days.

MTI Photo: György Varga

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