Mandatory Covid Vaccination For Health Workers Welcomed by Medical Chamber

  • 19 Jul 2021 9:36 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Mandatory Covid Vaccination For Health Workers Welcomed by Medical Chamber
​​​​​​​The Hungarian Medical Chamber (MOK) has welcomed a Friday announcement by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán that coronavirus vaccination would be made mandatory for health-care staff. “At present this measure could ensure protection to both patients and staff,” MOK said on its website.

The chamber said it did not have official statistics showing the vaccination rate of health professionals, but added that it was higher than the Hungarian average.

The board of nurse association MESZK expressed its support for the introduction of mandatory Covid vaccination.

The organisation said on its website that taking the vaccine will ensure that in case of a new wave of the pandemic, health workers will not get infected and they will not pass on the infection.

MTI Photo: Zoltán Balogh

“Let’s show an example and let’s all take the vaccine,” it added.

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