Hungary Launches Online Survey on Green Issues

  • 4 Oct 2021 5:50 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Hungary Launches Online Survey on Green Issues
Hungary’s government is canvassing people’s views online on green issues, Zsolt Nyitrai, a prime ministerial commissioner, said in a video on Facebook over the weekend.

So far, citizens have been consulted on 13 occasions and their ideas have been incorporated into policymaking, he noted. He said that unlike the left, the government took action rather than just talking about the environment.

Meanwhile, István Nagy, the minister of agriculture, made note in the promotional video of Hungary’s new afforestation scheme, adding that more and more people were joining it.

The area of woodland will grow from 24% to 27% of Hungary’s total landmass as a result, he said.

The minister said the government was committed to preserving its natural resources, adding that thanks to projects over the past decade carried out on 320,000 hectares of national parks, “the state of our natural environment has improved”.

Attila Steiner, state secretary at the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, said the online survey covered issues such as waste recycling, state support for the installation of solar panels and electric transport, the continuation of the tree planting scheme, raising children in an environmentally conscious way, and getting big companies to pay the costs of climate protection.

The 12-question questionnaire can be completed by the end of November.

MTI Photo: Noémi Bruzák

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