Mobile Phone Replacement Subsidy to Come in Hungary

  • 11 Oct 2021 6:37 AM
  • Hungary Around the Clock
Mobile Phone Replacement Subsidy to Come in Hungary
Hungarian residents who trade in old 3G mobile phones for 4G or 5G smartphones will be eligible for Ft 20,000 in government support, it was announced.

The media and telecom authority NMHH and the Innovation and Technology Ministry will launch the mobile phone replacement subsidy programme with a budget of Ft 5 billion from February 2022, head of the authority Monika Karas announced.

She added that nobody should miss out on digitalisation, because services available on smartphones are becoming increasingly indispensable.

The programme primarily helps the elderly, undersecretary Károly Balázs Solymár noted.

The 3G technology will be phased out in 2022 or in the first half of 2023 at the latest.

According to the NMHH, some 500,000 such outdated devices are in use now.

The subsidy will be available at registered dealers only.

Details of the programme are available at the website

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