'Gala Salon Concert', Embassy Of Finland In Budapest, 8 February

  • 19 Jan 2012 11:45 AM
'Gala Salon Concert', Embassy Of Finland In Budapest, 8 February
"The Ari S Kupsus Salon Concert Society proudly presents internationally acclaimed dramatic soprano Mária Temesi as guest star of the February Gala Award ceremony. Mária Temesi, winner of the Rio de Janeiro and the Luciano Pavarotti singing contests, is one of Hungary's leading musical artists who has been awarded outstanding distinctions such as the Liszt Prize and the Bartók-Pásztory Award.

Patron, His Excellency Ambassador Jari Vilén

Date: Wednesday, 8 February 8th,  2012
Time: 7 pm

Venue: Embassy of the Republic of Finland
Address: Kelenhegyi ut 16/A, XI Budapest

Tickets for the event are sold for 5.000,- Huf each.
They should be purchased in advance, latest by 4th of February, at Ari Kupsus Gallery  (Brody Sandor utca 23/b, VIII distr.)
There are only limited number of the tickets available.

Reservations can be made by clicking here or  by phone 06-20-322 0334/Ari or 06-30-529 5531/Sanja.

After the concert, while enjoying the reception sponsored by the Finnish Embassy.  You will have the opportunity to meet Ms Mária Temesi as well as the recipients of the Salon Concert Society Awards.

The Ari S. Kupsus Salon Concert Society is raising funds for talented Hungarian classical music and visual art students mainly to support their studies, participation at master classes and at national and international competitions, exhibitions etc"

Source: Ari S. Kupsus Gallery

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