Vona: Life Sentences For Bent Politicians In Hungary

  • 1 Oct 2010 1:00 AM
Vona: Life Sentences For Bent Politicians In Hungary
"Jobbik chairman Gábor Vona would confiscate all the assets of politicians who damage state assets, as well as those of their family members, and would even imprison them for life, he told reporters on Thursday.

The real problem for state administration is the absence of funding: there are insufficient funds for education, health care, pensions and local governments, as “money disappears in this country as a result of parasitism”.

Vona also blamed the presence of international capital and the “lifestyles of the Gypsy minority, who constitute hundreds of thousands of people and feel outside the law”.

Vona demanded investigations into Free Democrats Bálint Magyar and János Kóka, ex-finance ministers János Veres and Péter Oszkó, former prime minister Gordon Bajnai, ex-justice minister Tibor Draskovics, National Bank governor András Simor, erstwhile defence ministers Imre Szekeres and Ferenc Juhász, one-time secret services minister György Szilvásy, and former health ministers Lajos Molnár and Ágnes Horváth.

He charged Fidesz of not following up on its election pledges to establish politicians’ criminal accountability. Former prime minister Ferenc Gyurcsány who remains an MP, is a “walking counter example” of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s revolution, he added."

Source: Hungary Around the Clock.

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