Orbán Rejects Outside Interference In Hungary, Brushes Off Central Bank Independence As “European Fashion”

  • 2 Jan 2012 8:01 AM
Orbán Rejects Outside Interference In Hungary, Brushes Off Central Bank Independence As “European Fashion”
"There is nobody in the world who has the right to tell the elected representatives of the Hungarian people which laws they can pass and which they can not,” Prime Minister Viktor Orbán declared Friday morning in his weekly Kossuth Rádió interview.

If Parliament passes a bill which challenges international treaties it has espoused, then the party to which it causes a grievance can challenge the bill but only after it has been passed, Orbán said in response to foreign criticisms.

“We are setting our own goals, we shall achieve our own goals and if somebody helps us with good advice, we shall thank him for that and if somebody wants to divert us from our path, we shall remove it politely”.

In connection with IMF talks, he said they are important but not crucial.

Orbán observed that Parliament approved 13 of the 15 observations added to the central bank bill by the EU and differences of opinion remain as regards the remaining two.

On these two points the Hungarian government will not back down and it will defend its position in legal proceedings if necessary.

Insistence on central bank independence is “a European fashion,” he told his audience."

Source: Hungary Around the Clock

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