Japanese Film Festival Opens In Budapest

  • 15 May 2014 12:45 PM
Japanese Film Festival Opens In Budapest
A Japanese film week started on Tuesday in Budapest’s Toldi Cinema, showcasing a wide array of contemporary Japanese films. Between May 13 and 18, the festival offers free screenings of the latest blockbusters, including a Second World War drama, a children’s animation movie and a futuristic thriller.

The Japan Foundation, the festival’s organiser told a news conference that at least one masterpiece will be screened a day at the event, one of several commemorating the Year of Friendship between Japan and the Visegrad Group.

Films will be screened in Japanese with English subtitles and a Hungarian voice-over.

Entry to all films is free of charge, but a registration ticket must be purchased for each screening.

Source www.hungarymatters.hu

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Details about the Festival in English can be found on Japanese Foundation's website

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