Fidesz Out To Change Hungary's Immigration Rules

  • 19 Jan 2015 8:00 AM
Fidesz Out To Change Hungary's Immigration Rules
It is worth reconsidering Hungarian and EU regulations on immigration, Fidesz caucus spokesman Bence Tuzson told reporters on Friday. Action is needed at EU level, but Europe has not made adequate preparations to cope with the situation, he added.

Tuzson suggested that certain states be classified as “safe countries” from which immigration is not justified.

Fidesz would like to create a national consensus on the issue, he continued, so that a united stand can be represented at European forums.

Tuzson recalled that 2,500 people applied for refugee status in Hungary in 2012, nearly 19,000 in 2013 and over 42,000 last year. He said about half of the immigrants come from Kosovo.

On HírTV Sunday evening Fidesz caucus leader Antal Rogán said it should be examined whether police should be given new powers in combating terrorism.

Source: Hungary Around the Clock

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