Number Of Illegal Immigrants Over 60,000 In Hungary

  • 23 Jun 2015 9:00 AM
Number Of Illegal Immigrants Over 60,000 In Hungary
Since the beginning of 2015 more than 60,000 entrants have crossed into Hungary illegally, most of them from Serbia, an MP of ruling Fidesz said. Szilárd Németh referred to a “novel, economic kind of migration” mostly from Africa and the Middle East, but noted that the largest number of illegal immigrants arriving in Hungary were of Kosovar origin.

Németh said that Hungary was under the greatest immigration pressure in the whole European Union, and insisted that “Hungary is not in a position to live with such a massive group of immigrants”.

That is why the government has decided to put up a fence along the Hungarian-Serbian border, he said, and expressed the Fidesz group’s support for the move.

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