Coronavirus: Budapest Mayor Calls For Continued Compliance With Remaining Regulations

  • 8 Jul 2020 11:16 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Coronavirus: Budapest Mayor Calls For Continued Compliance With Remaining Regulations
Gergely Karácsony, the mayor of Budapest, has advised Budapest residents to continue to observe Covid-19 related restrictions still in force in the city.

“Although I am delighted to learn that no new Covid-19 infection cases were reported in Budapest today, we can still not sit back. Coronavirus will be with us either as an epidemic or as a threat until a vaccine is developed,” Karácsony said in a Facebook entry.

He said an alarming increase in the number of infections in neighbouring countries mandates vigilance and compliance with regulations that include wearing a mask in public transport, shops and pharmacies.

Karácsony further advised Hungarians to spend their summer holidays in their country so as to help revive the domestic tourism and catering industry.

MTI Photo: Zsolt Szigetváry

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