Casino Closure Motion Initiated By Hungarian Opposition LMP

  • 22 Feb 2021 8:44 AM
  • Hungary Around the Clock
Casino Closure Motion Initiated By Hungarian Opposition LMP
The LMP party will submit an amendment motion to Parliament to order casinos to close during the pandemic, Péter Ungár, secretary of the party’s executive committee, announced at an online press conference on Sunday.

He said it is absurd that while the entire catering sector is closed, casinos operated mostly by pro-Fidesz businessmen can remain open.

The coronavirus can spread in a casino the same way as in a restaurant or a bar, so keeping the former open is not justified, he added.

Ungár recalled that when he asked the cabinet why casinos can remain open while restaurants and hotels must be closed, he received the answer that casinos are not catering units.

LMP maintains that in a state of emergency everybody should bear economic hardships the same way and that is why the party is asking everybody to whom protection against the virus matters to support the amendment motion.

MTI Photo: Attila Balázs

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