Xpat Interview: Zoltán Árvai, Former General Manager At Hilton Budapest

  • 18 Jun 2010 12:00 PM
Xpat Interview: Zoltán Árvai, Former General Manager At Hilton Budapest
Mr Zoltán Árvai lead Hilton Budapest in the Castle district for 10 years.

1. Where did you grow up?
I was born and raised in Budapest.

2. If you could be an expat anywhere in the world, where would you choose?
Definitely Italy, somewhere in Tuscany, because of the culture and people. Hilton is also opening up new properties there, but because of the age of our children we do not really consider moving at the moment.

3. What would you miss most if you moved away from Hungary?
Family:my parents, and my sister.

4. Friends are in Budapest for a weekend - what must they absolutely see and do?
It as to be the Buda Castle, the UNESCO protected fairy tale like monument. Up in the castle they could see unique attractions like the Rock Hospital, and visit several wine cellars in the cave system. They would enjoy simply wondering around the charmingly narrow streets.

5. What is your favourite food?
Sea-food is high on the list, but my mother’s pancakes are the best, I can eat unlimited numbers of them.

6. What is your favourite sport / form of exercise?
I regularly play tennis, usually on Friday and Sunday. I like watching American football, and have been to London twice already to watch the sport played at Wembley, and I plan to go there again year again.

7. What is your favourite place in Hungary?
Szeged, where my wife grew up. We visit there once or twice per year. I love the concept of the inner city. We enjoy visiting Virág cukrászda every time we’re there, and also the John Bull Pub.

8. What career other than yours would you love to pursue?
I would like to know what I would have achieved if I had started playing professional tennis from a younger age.

9. What’s a job you would definitely never want?
A job with a given daily routine or any were you don’t meet/need people.

10. Where did you spend your last vacation?
Zalakaros, with my family, it is 180 km away from Budapest and this is the limit for our kids these days.

11. Where do you hope to spend your next one?
Italy, I promised my wife to take her to Rimini for two weeks.

12. What was your favourite band, film, or hobby as a teen?
I do not have a particular favourite, but I liked R&B and rap, and still know a few rap songs I wrote as a teenager.

13. What can’t you resist?
Pancakes and sweets

14. Red wine or white?
Heavy red ones, the type suggested with red meat are all fine for me without food too. I have no particular favourite though since there are so many really good ones in Hungary.

15. Book or movie?

16. Morning person or night person?

17. Which social issue do you feel most strongly about?
People’s education and development.

18. Buda or Pest side?
Pest, my favourite district is the 17th where I live, it's semi country side giving the perfect environment to relax in after work, and in which to play with the kids.

19. Which achievement in your life are you most pleased about?
Becoming the GM of this hotel, I never dreamt of it.

20. What would you say is your personal motto?
Achieving success through the involvement and development of people

  • How does this interview make you feel?