Budapest Personal Development Meetup


Budapest Personal Development Meetup
Join us for an evening of self-discovery and exchange to experience what being part of a Mastermind means and what it can do to enhance our collective progress toward our individual goals.

With a deep fulfilling conversation with like-minded people, you will go home energized, motivated, and most importantly equipped with new tools and knowledge to make a difference in your day-to-day life.

Each meetup will start with a brief introduction of the purpose and mission of the meetup.

We will then continue with practical discussions and exercises that will help you to connect with other members and learn something you can use during the week between 2 meet-ups.

Then we will end with informal conversations and experience sharing by various members about their own growth and pursuit of their dreams.

We are a group of individuals passionate about personal growth and all the benefits it can bring to each and every one of us.

We believe that human beings are limitless. However, having potential is not the same thing as realizing your potential.

We also believe that everything can be learned and that you can learn from everyone so we decided to gather all the like-minded people to share and move toward our goals together in harmony by harnessing the power of the Mastermind.

Practical information: Starts on time at 18:00 and end the official session at 20:00.
Place: Online
Address: Budapest, Hungary
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