Compagnie Pál Frenák: Spid_er, National Dance Theatre Budapest, 28 October


Compagnie Pál Frenák: Spid_er, National Dance Theatre Budapest, 28 October
In his works FrenÁK always creates aunique world which aim to depict a picture of what the choreographer has observed – the most basic human traits as well as the rules of nature and society.

The chosen topic together with the generally applicable message elevates the pieces to a universal level: everything is connected to everything, and these connections can be reorganized any time.

The creation rules over the creator. The scenography designed specifically for the National Dance Theatre’s Main Auditorium is simple but grandiose, and it provides a chance to interpret the existing space in many new ways.

The moves and expressions are originating from the creators’ reality and experience, and the set, which links the spectators and the performers, is a significant part of the content.

No one can be exempt from the global rules of the world – the audience and the dancer, the observer and the performer both become part of the same system that, in the end, will devour them all.

Spid_er is the consequent next step toward a new, designed structure where young, emerging performers – dancers and acrobats as well – can create - based on FrenÁK’s concept - their own short fragment-like choreographies, which will come together and form an organic new piece.
Place: National Dance Theatre Budapest
Address: 1024 Budapest, Kis Rókus u. 16-20.
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