Székesfehérvár Ballet Theatre: Swan Lake, National Dance Theatre Budapest, 2 October


Székesfehérvár Ballet Theatre: Swan Lake, National Dance Theatre Budapest, 2 October
Compared to Swan Lake, the well-known version of the classical ballet, I wished to rephrase the piece from another aspect, in a different light. In my interpretation, Siegfried is a young man with a split mind, who is being held captive by the traumas of his childhood as a result of his relationship with his mother.

Each character and event in the piece is, in fact, a projection of Siegfried’s visions and his inner world. He himself sits in a same room all the time while projecting his own good and bad self onto the figures of Odette and Rothbart.

The dance theatre production can also be considered a kind of psycho drama, a psychoanalysis if you like.

In addition, it was important for me to shape Tchaikovsky's powerful and brilliant world of music into a picture and to make music visible through the language of dance. (Attila Egerházi)
Place: National Dance Theatre Budapest
Address: 1024 Budapest, Kis Rókus u. 16-20.
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